At the end of April, Sport England released the latest Active Lives Survey data for all adults in England between November 2021 to November 2022. The report
produced by Sport England indicates that nationally Activity levels for adults in England increased last year and have bounced back to where they were before the
coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
In Suffolk, 64.5% of adults were meeting chief medical officer recommendations of 150+ minutes of physical activity each week, an increase of 4.7% from the
survey's data in the previous 12 months. Nationally, 63.1% of adults are classified as active, with Suffolk now 1.4% above the national average.
Data can be viewed within our report on the Suffolk breakdown, which can be viewed by clicking the adjacent image - this provides local authority level data, as
well as a nearest neighbour analysis, and Eastern Region Active Partnership comparison.
An interactive PowerBI dashboard of the data can be viewed HERE.
Meanwhile, the Sport England Adult Active Lives Survey report can be viewed by clicking