Today is #WorldSleepDay so in this months edition we link you to lots of great resources and top tips for a great nights sleep, plus we reflect on
the events we have been involved in so far this month to celebrate International Women's Day, whilst also bringing you news of some exciting events coming up later
this month and in the summer.
Plus, ever been interested in knowing why so many women love open water or wild swimming? Join a free event in Felixstowe TONIGHT hosted by the Channel
Festival! Further details enclosed below...
Wouldn't that be nice we hear you bellow...most of us are aware that good quality sleep will help us, however despite being recommended 7- 9 hours of sleep per
night, around 60% of women do not achieve this goal! This may be due to many reasons such as our hormones, worry and stress, burning the candle at both ends or
suffering with mild or severe insomnia!
Whatever the reason we have listed some top tips below that may help you to achieve a better night sleep.
Physical Activity - Any increased movement, physical activity, exercise or sport will help to encourage a better night sleep. In fact, 33% of
clients who accessed the Active Wellbeing service delivered by Active Suffolk last summer reported to notice improved quality of sleep after just 3 months of
increased physical activity. Just avoid any very vigorous activity close to bedtime as this may disturb your sleep. Learn more about the Active Wellbeing Service
today at Active Suffolk – Active Wellbeing Service
Create an environment which feels calm and relaxing - A tidy, clutter free bedroom which is not too hot, dark and quiet will help you to sleep
better at night.
Consider dietary changes - Eating too late or consuming high amounts of sugar, caffeine and alcohol may also be keeping you up at night!
Consider reducing some of these particularly just before bedtime!
Journal - Writing down your thoughts, worries or even the 101 things you must do the following day before attempting to sleep. This may help you
to switch off and relax.
Avoid screen time - We can all be guilty of it but try not to look at a screen too close to bedtime. Phones, tablets and TV' can all prevent us
from sleeping and sleeping well if we are using them too close to when we want to switch off!
Seek medial advice - If you re really struggling to sleep, it may be worth seeking advice from a medical professional, particularly if you feel
symptoms are connected with changes to your hormones or the menopause. During the menopause we eventually stop producing the hormone progesterone, which has a
role in helping you to sleep. HRT may help with this whilst elevating other symptoms.
International Women's Day
International Women's Day took place on Tuesday 8th March 2022. This is an annual global event which celebrates women across the world whilst also campaigning for a
world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. And a world where difference is valued and celebrated.
The This Girl Can Suffolk Team began celebrating International Women's Day at the beginning of the month where some of our Ambassadors joined females across the
country to takeover the Saturday morning parkrun events!
Parkrun is a supported 5km event which invites local people to walk, jog, run or volunteer every Saturday morning from 9am. In Suffolk alone, we have 15 parkrun
events, plus 7 Junior parkrun events which is a 2km event that takes place on a Sunday morning for 4- 14 year olds.
To celebrate and recognise International Women's Day local This Girl Can Ambassadors supported some of our parkrun events across Suffolk, including Abby Close who
attended the Stowmarket event. We also attended an event in Ipswich and we featured on BBC Radio Suffolk...check out the links further down!
Abby Close, This Girl Can Ambassador from the Stowmarket area supported her local event by delivering a fun and inclusive Hula Hooping warm up session, she told us:
"Supporting the warm up for my local Parkrun for International Women's Day was fantastic and it was amazing to see so many happy faces all warmed up for their run.
I've already been asked to come back again!"
Being a This Girl Can ambassador has allowed me to share an alternative form of fitness with women and girls in my local community. I love sharing a FUN form of
fitness where your age, shape, size and how coordinated you are really does not matter. In fact, it does not matter if you've never been able to hula hoop before,
even as a child."
Inspiring Suffolk Women Day
We continued our International Women's Day celebrations at the 'Inspiring Suffolk Women Day' which took place at The Hold in Ipswich.
Hosted by the Suffolk County Council there was a wealth of information, workshops, crafts and inspirational talks delivered on the day by women, including two of our
local This Girl Can Ambassadors, Ruth and Sophie who spoke openly about their relationship with physical activity and how it enables them to manage their physical
and mental health.
We were on the local radio too!!
We featured in the BBC Belongings show...
To mark International Women's Day we were invited to the BBC Belongings show on BBC Radio Suffolk where we spoke to Producer Cad Taylor about the This Girl Can
project in Suffolk.
Join us at The Hive in Ipswich...
If you missed us at any of the International Women's Day events, fear not...we will be attending the Women's Health and Happiness Brunch on
Friday 25th March 9.30 - 12 at the newly opened community space 'The Hive' on Norwich Road in
The event organised by the Future Female Society will celebrate the women of Ipswich, whilst also giving them the opportunity to access information
on the importance of positive mental health, cervical screening, getting into work or accessing training.
We will be there with some of our local This Girl Can Ambassadors to chat about physical activity, movement, tackling barriers to exercise and of course the
benefits. Alongside us, there will also be PHOEBE an Ipswich based charity who support ethnic minority women, Lighthouse our local women's aid charity and Female
Future Society to name just a few.
The Women's Tour is returning to Suffolk this summer!
The Women's Tour, Britain's biggest and longest running international women's cycling stage race, will return to Bury St Edmunds this summer as the Suffolk town
hosts the finish of the opening stage on Monday 6 June. Read more about the plans for this years race HERE
Last years event was one of the first large events to be hosted in Suffolk following the lockdowns and we loved being a part of it! Look out for future updates
regarding the Women's Tour over the next few months.
Free event TONIGHT as part of the Channel Festival
We are proud supporters of the Channel Festival which kicked off earlier this week and will continue into the weekend. The festival which has hosted a series of
events, workshops, talks and exhibitions has all been inspired by our relationship with the sea!
On Tuesday the festival hosted an online zoom workshop with Dr Catherine Kelly on why swimming can make you feel better. If you missed it, you can watch back by
clicking HERE
If you are interested in open water swimming or want to understand what all the fuss is about, then why not head over to this evenings FREE exhibition opening of
Lynn Dennison's film Sea Swimmers, find out more and book your place HERE
For the full list of events and to find out more about the Channel Festival visit www.channelfestival.co.uk/
Join our private Facebook group today!
Find out about physical activity options in your loal area, connect with other local omen and be inspired by their stories in our private This Girl Can Facebook
Thank you for reading our latest news. If you have any questions or queries about This Girl Can in Suffolk, plese do contact the team at tgc@activesuffolk.org