We are very excited to share with you that Suffolk Sport will be re-branding!
For some time now, Suffolk Sport has been considering a change of name to reflect the new direction of our business and the key markets we are trying to engage
with. A significant percentage of County Sports Partnerships nationally have already re-branded and indeed, the County Sports Partnership Network (CSPN) has
indicated that it too is looking to do the same.
Suffolk Sport has consulted with the team, Board members and a number of wider partners and having reviewed the feedback we can announce that Suffolk Sport will
become 'Active Suffolk' as of April 2019.
We wanted to share this news with you first and to invite your comments and feedback as a key partner of Suffolk Sport. We believe this is an exciting opportunity
for us to refresh our brand and better align it with our overall strategic direction. Key members of the Suffolk Sport team will be working to move this agenda
forward but firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be part of the process – so please do feel free to share your thoughts and ideas –
especially regarding potential new logo designs.