Who are Sport England?
Sport England are a national body in place to invest in sport and physical activity in order to increase regular participation in physical activity across all sectors of society. Currently, opportunities to engage in sport and physical activity are not equal, with too many pre-determining factors such as background, gender, affluence and post code preventing many people from engaging with a regularly active lifestyle.
As a result, a significant theme of Sport England's new strategy is to tackle the inequalities facing many individuals in our communities and allow many more individuals to benefit from regular physical activity. Therefore, the new strategy is titled "Uniting the Movement", aspiring to unlock the existing barriers to sport and activity and being part of a bigger picture of work that helps to address many of society's biggest challenges.
Uniting the Movement is Sport England's strategy for the next 10 years, running from 2021-2031.
For more information on the strategy, please click here.