Sport & Physical Activity Sector Skills Strategy
Active Suffolk in partnership with a wide range of key partners and business organisations has developed a Skills Strategy for the Sport & Physical Activity Sector in Suffolk.
The Skills Strategy utilises a needs-led, evidence-based approach and has been developed through consultation with employers, the sector workforce (both employed and freelance) and key stakeholders, including Further Education colleges, CIMSPA, Local Authorities, University of Suffolk, Department for Work & Pensions, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership and Suffolk Growth Partnership.
Consultation has provided us with national leading insight into the skill shortages across the sector and resulted in headline recommendations for the next five years to develop a workforce that is customer centric, inclusive and equipped with the right skills to initiate meaningful behaviour change and realise wider health and socio-economic benefits.
The Sport & Physical Activity Sector Skills Strategy will enable the development of the workforce and address the key skills gaps which have widened during the Covid Pandemic. This will ensure the sector develops the skills and competencies required to be flexible, competent, and fit for purpose.
For more information or to take a look at the Skills Strategy please refer to the Strategy below or contact Susannah Challis