Save the date & help the Daily Mile to get 1 million of us moving at the same time
Posted: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 18:02
While we can't be together in person just yet, can we get 1 million of us moving at the same time?
Join us, along with the rest of the nation!
The Daily Mile™ are hosting their first national event day in schools and across social media to coincide with Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Awareness Week in 2021.
We want to help encourage as many primary schools around England to get moving on the same day, to celebrate the positive benefits that daily activity can have on our mental health. In light of the events in the past year, children's mental health awareness, and its relation to physical activity, is more important than ever.
So join the rest of the nation and do your Daily Mile any time between 09:00-15:00 on Friday 30th April 2021. For more information, and to register for the event, please visit:
Every signed-up school will receive a free, downloadable pack containing fun resources for the day.
More information: