Teaching Gymnastics for ALL

This course has reached maximum capacity. This Primary Phase course is aimed specifically at all those in school who teach PE. It provides a proven, robust framework for engaging ALL pupils in & through Gymnastics. This course Improves Confidence, Knowledge, Skills & Competence of staff in line with Key Indicator 3 of PE & Sport Premium requirements.

Worlingham Primary School, Garden Lane, Worlingham, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7SB
Jeffrey Hoey / northsuffolkschoolgames@gmail.com / 07960018657

Teaching Gymnastics for ALL

This course provides an ideal support package for teachers and others teaching PE who want to develop a better understanding of the potential for learning for ALL within gymnastics – how to plan, teach and assess progress. Resources, planning and assessment are covered along with how to teach for ALL rather than the few that may go onto compete in a School Games event or similar competition.

The safe, effective use and deployment of all types of apparatus is covered in detail along with safety, progression and skill development. This course is extremely effective in helping YOU to develop a love and passion for teaching high quality PE. Core skills, core knowledge and understanding make this a must for anyone who does not feel confident in the use of apparatus or the teaching of gymnastics.