Suffolk Mind: Effective Communication with Distressed People Icon

Suffolk Mind: Effective Communication with Distressed People

Effective Communication with Distressed People is a skills-based training course, providing your workforce with practical tools to help them communicate with people who are in distress. This training will help you understand your own wellbeing, and that of people around you – whether at work, home or in any other context. This course will help you talk to people experiencing shock or high levels of stress and anxiety, people contemplating suicide, self-harmers, and those experiencing out-of-control rage. The skills are useful in face to face circumstances, and over the phone or online.

East Point Academy, Kirkley Run, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0UQ
Jeffery Hoey / / 07960018657

Suffolk Mind: Effective Communication with Distressed People

Effective Communication with Distressed People is a skills-based training course, providing your workforce with practical tools to help them communicate with people who are in distress.

This training will help you understand your own wellbeing, and that of people around you – whether at work, home or in any other context.

This course will help you talk to people experiencing shock or high levels of stress and anxiety, people contemplating suicide, self-harmers, and those experiencing out-of-control rage.

The skills are useful in face to face circumstances, and over the phone or online.

The course will help your staff:

  • Learn about our emotional needs and resources
  • Learn how to stay clear headed and maintain self-control when faced with angry or distressed people.
  • Understand what language to use and what language to avoid
  • Improve their confidence and morale when communicating with members of the public.
  • Be better able to support team members facing difficult situations.


Suffolk Mind: Effective Communcation with Distressed People


The course will help your staff:
• Learn about our emotional needs and resources
• Learn how to stay clear headed and maintain self-control when faced with angry or distressed people.
• Understand what language to use and what language to avoid
• Improve their confidence and morale when communicating with members of the public.
• Be better able to support team members facing difficult situations.


8 remaining

Suffolk Mind: Effective Communication with Distressed People - £50 FOR INVOICE (PLEASE ENTER DISCOUNT CODE IN 'CLUB/ORGANISATION' SECTION)


The course will help your staff:
• Learn about our emotional needs and resources
• Learn how to stay clear headed and maintain self-control when faced with angry or distressed people.
• Understand what language to use and what language to avoid
• Improve their confidence and morale when communicating with members of the public.
• Be better able to support team members facing difficult situations.


8 remaining

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